
Royal Ur

Royal Ur

Royal Ur - Incredibly entertaining board gameRoyal Ur is a unique and incredibly entertaining board game for android devices with puzzle elements, which you will definitely like! A fascinating board game that you have never exactly met anywhere, its rules are simple, and the gameplay and mechanics will delight you and allow you to relax alone with the game. You are waiting for the classic design style, simple and easy to lea one-touch control, as well as several difficulty modes and opponents that can tickle your nerves! You can now download the Royal Ur board game to your Android smartphone and spend your free time incredibly entertaining and fun. This board game was known long before Chess appeared in it They played in ancient Mesopotamia 4500 years ago! Read the rules, find a worthy opponent and try your hand at a completely new genre of board games. Use your logic and intellectual abilities to compete with the strongest players from around the world, thanks to an elaborate online mode. Are you ready to fight for the championship in 72rummy.comthe most ancient board game known to mankind?CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 39.65 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----