The association FLAG !, LGBT association of the Ministry of the Interior and Justice, releases this application which aims:
- Allow victims and witnesses of LGBTphobias (insults, assaults, domestic violence, discrimination, ...), serophobirummywu.ina or domestic violence to make an anonymous report.
This report will be dated and geolocated by the victim or the witness.
- At the end of the report, the victim, depending on their status (general public, official of the Ministry of the Interior, etc.) and according to the act reported, will be directed to the different official possibilities ( filing a complaint, online pre-complaint, Pharos reporting, Platform for gender-based and sexual violence, IGPN, IGGN, Listening units, ...).
Today, only 4% of the victims of insults dare to make themselves known and supported. This figure must increase and the victims must be supported.
- All of these reports will feed into the most precise and "real time" mapping possible in order to allow the public authorities to accentuate public policies in the areas most "at risk" (a neighborhood, a street, a school, a public establishment, a company, etc.).
- In addition, an annual sociological study will be carried out by a scientific committee in partnership with the Jean Jaurès Foundation.
This application is sponsored by Marlène SCHIAPPA, Secretary of State for Equality between Women and Men.
The Interministerial Delegation to Combat Racism, Antisemitism and Anti-LGBT Hatred is the first partner of this project.
lesbophobia, homophobia, transphobia, serophobia, biphobia no longer have their place today, thanks to this application you can report these acts.