Daily Sri Lanka Lottery Results
Now, Anyone will get any kind of lottery results in a couple of clicks without losing your useful time, Easy application to get the Sri Lankan Lottery Results information. Lotteries 喽洁窚喽痘喾愢逗喾?喽脆董喾?br/>
1) Govisetha 喽溹窚喾€喾掄穬喾權董
2) Mahayana Sampatha 喽膏穭喽⑧侗 喾冟陡喾娻洞喽?br/>
3) Dhana Nidanaya 喽班侗 喽编窉喽班窂喽编逗
4) Jathika Sampatha 喽⑧窂喽窉喽?喾冟陡喾娻洞喽?br/>
5) Mega Power 喽膏窓喽溹窂 喽脆穩喽秽穵
6) Supiiri Vasana 喾冟窋喽脆窉喽秽窉 喾€喾忇穬喽编窂
7) Niroga 喽编窊喽秽窛喽溹窂
8) Wasana Sampatha
9) Sewana 喾冟窓喾€喽?br/>
10) Jayoda 喽⑧逗喾澿动喾?br/>
11) Kotipathi Shanidha 喽氞窛喽о窉喽脆董喾?喾佮侗喾掄动喾?br/>
12) Super Ball 喾冟窋喽脆痘喾?喽多窛喽洁穵
13) Sanwardhana Wasanawa 喾冟秱喾€喽秽穵喽班侗 喾€喾忇穬喽编窂喾€
14) Lagana Wasanawa 喽洁稖喾娻侗 喾€喾忇穬喽编窂喾€
15) Ada Kotipathi 喽呧动 喽氞窛喽о窉喽脆董喾?br/>
16) Shanidha Wasanawa 喾佮侗喾掄动喾?喾€喾忇穬喽编窂喾€
Lottery Results data is gathered from http://www.nlb.lk and http://www.dlb.lk.