
Free download Cards! APK for Android

Free download Cards! APK for Android

Description of Cards! Cards! is based on the popular game "Crazy Eights".- Online 2 - 4 players- Nice graphics- Also supports tablet (large screens)- Classic or custom cards- Adjustable outlook- Add messages to your turnRulesCards! is based on Crazy Eights and uses the following rulesSpecial cards:Ace: Turns the playing direction2: Next players takes two cards (unless that player also plays a '2')7: Player takes another turn8: Next player skips a turnJack: Player chooses suit. Can be played on any other suit.Joker: Next player takes 5 cards (unless this player also plays a joker). The player who played the last joker chooses suit.You can not finish (play your last card) with one of the cards described above (special cards).Instructions:- Chose "New game" and select people from your Google+ list (you can add them here if you like)- Players receive notification when it's their turn (after that, they also see intermediate changes)- If you want to, you can add messages to yoFortune Ox na 1Win: Jogue Fortune Ox 1Winur turn- A list of all games in progress can be seen in the "Games" section.

Version history Cards! New in Cards! 1.4 1.5 Limited the ads: sometimes they kept reloading.1.4 Fixed the 'stuttering' cards when hooveringAdded AdBuddiz Please rate this app